martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

My career in some years

In a some years I think that in my career and college will have some changes, one obviously is in the curriculum because with the time new things about chemistry is discover so the curriculum is going to have some changes also the English classes are going to have more relevance in this program because the world become every time more connected so English is going to be more fundamental for almost every work, so the college is going to give English more importance than the one that it currently have, the infrastructure especially the laboratory with better material and more machines that do the work for us making us totally useless, and all of that because the advance in the technology, also more space (I really hope). The technology also is going to have an impact in the teaching methods with more technology is easier teaching, even more in a career like chemistry and pharmacy with the different reactions and particles that are teaching in this career, the technology can represent those processes better so the students can understand all of those things easier, maybe some classes can be done in the commodity of your home because the technology. I really hope that the totally unnecessary “CFG” will be not necessary at all to finish your career in this college. Maybe the length of studies is going to be affected because the advance of technology and teaching methods so maybe the career can be reduced with a semester less (something is something).

2 comentarios:

  1. I wish the technology was implemented more quickly in the field of studies

  2. Yes, english is very important in this time, so is good that have more importance in the curriculum


My experience learning English

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