martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

my future work

So because I study chemistry and pharmacy obviously my future job have to do with chemistry, I’m going to be complete honest, I have no idea what I want my “dream job” to be, I just know that this job is going to be related with chemistry because chemistry is what I like, In my career there are so many options to work after, I imagine so many works to do related to chemistry and I really like so many I don’t have preferences so far, it’s so early in my career to say one I don’t have the knowledge really of all the options that I have, I don’t know if my work is going to be outdoors or indoors (probably indoors, it’s chemistry) I don’t think that I going to travel because of my work but I going to travel because the money of my work, the salary obviously I expected and want it to be good because if someone say that he expect his salary to be regular he is lying, when I finish my career I don’t know if I want to still studying to specialize in something about chemistry, but I like chemistry and so far I really like what I’m studying so I think that I’m in the right way so the time it’s going to tell me what I want to be my job.

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