martes, 23 de octubre de 2018

micro impurities

So I study chemistry and pharmacy and my election is going to be based in something that I actually know, I am going to talk about a technique use in a class in my career relate with micro impurities, this technique is called recrystallization that is use in the class of organic laboratory, this technique is use for purified a compound, the technique disjoin the compound of its micro impurities, the way in what this technique do that is using the different solubility point of the compound and its impurities, there is chosen a solvent that have a high temperature point to solubilize the compound and a low temperature point to solubilize the micro impurities, so the compound can be disjoin of its micro impurities with filtration, the technique of the recrystallization is important in my career because is important the purified of the compounds in chemistry, I learn about this recently in the class of organic laboratory this is a technique that I going to use a lot in that class, the advantages of this technique is that is very easy of use and very cheap (that is why this technique have a good future) but the disadvantages are that if you use a little more solvent that what you need you can lost a lot of compound.

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