martes, 16 de octubre de 2018


So I don’t really have a favorite pet I've had many pets in my life that I like a lot, my first pet was a dog called Toby, he was a gift of my father when I was 7 years old my father gave me the dog because he don’t want another dog in his house, he was very energy and playful dog, I also had 2 parrots than I don’t really remember their names but they were pretty and colorful tho..I like them a lot but also to be honest they were very loud and annoying even more when they had babies, also my dog Toby tried to eat one when my parrot tried to escape when I tried to give him food, my bother had a lot of hamsters (I don’t remember their names neither, they looked the same) I considered the hamsters mine because I take care of them more than my brother, the bad thing is that my sister touch the babies and the mother don’t recognized them for the smell so she eat a lot of her babies.. very sad, later my parrots died for age and my dog toby died for unknown reason (maybe for a poised piece of bread that my neighbor give to him, just a theory).

Now I have a dog called Eddy than my mother adopted without tell me nothing he is very loud, he barks to the wall without a reason but even with that I thinks that I like Eddy, he is very annoying but very loyal and playful. I don’t have a picture of my pets and I don’t want to use a generic picture of google images, so Toby had a blue eye and brown eye and white and brown fur, imagine him.

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