martes, 9 de octubre de 2018


I can’t honestly say “my best holiday” I really don’t have a favorite nothing there are too many that I like to really select just one and call it “my best holiday” but one that I like was a 2 years ago in summer that was a family holiday, all the family reunited to go to holiday traveling for different beaches (el Tabo, Serena, etc…) for a week and a half , every 1 or 2 days we visit a different one, that was not the most long holiday just a week and a half and I am not really a fanatic of the beach but my family is not the most unite family so that is why I like this holiday in particular, is weird to see all my family having a good time together and making theirs differences apart for a moment, we travel for different beaches, eating in different restaurants, just spending a good time like a family , not really my best holiday but I remember this one because how unusual is to see all the family together.

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