martes, 2 de octubre de 2018

A country I would like to visit

I really would like to go to travel out of Chile, there are so many countries that I would like to visit, so many beautiful places to go, I would like to go to Peru just to see Machu Picchu a place that many people talked to me about but never have the opportunity to visit, also obviously I would like to know USA because I would like to see how is the ambient of the first potency in the world also some people tell me about how the ambient is hostile and of constantly tension because of the terrorist attends and shootings tragedies that this country suffered, in the positive aspect the technology is a lot cheaper than in Chile so I would like to visit to buy but I wouldn’t like to live in this country for the same reasons that I named, maybe I would like to live in Canada that is like USA but calmer but my English is very bad so better I still in my country.

Resultado de imagen para machu picchu

6 comentarios:

  1. Machu Picchu it´s a place that everyone must to visit one time at least.

  2. I would like to know Machu Picchu more than USA

  3. Canada is a good place to visit, I recommend it to you!

  4. I recommend you travel there between June and September, because the weather conditions are better to have a clear view of Machu Picchu.


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